Working Holidays

Posted by Kristin Baird

Holiday time means decorations, parties, gifts and traditions for many of us. But not everyone gets to spend them with friends and family. Hospitals are a 24/7/365 operation which means a significant number of healthcare workers will be spending as much (or more) time working than at home with family and friends.

Foster Gratitude

If you’re one of the lucky ones who has a break over the holidays, take time to thank your co-workers who will be on the front lines.

If you’re in a leadership position, take the time to make rounds on your team, bring treats and thank them for their commitment. Better yet, pitch in and help where you can. Seeing you on Christmas Day or New Year’s Day reminds them that you care.

Happy Holidays!

  1. Caregivers Fill Huge Gaps During the Holidays
  2. Is your gratitude showing?
  3. Want a Better Culture? Foster Gratitude
  4. Give Your Patients a Gift this Holiday Season
  5. Who Inspires You?
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