Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Appreciation

We all like to feel appreciated, yet how we want to be shown appreciation varies from person to person. Some people thrive on center-stage accolades, while others respond best to a quiet, heartfelt thank you. But everyone wants to be ...

Training that Sticks: 4 Simple Steps to Achieving Great ROI

Training that Sticks: 4 Simple Steps to Achieving Great ROI   Leaders often tell me that their customer service training didn’t work. What they mean is that it didn’t result in improving patient satisfaction scores. This is the typical indicator used for ...

I’m a Better Person Because of You

There are sentinel moments that shift our lives forever. These can be tragic accidents, deaths, or other catastrophic events. They can also be births, celebrations, and surprises that fill our hearts. We are all a culmination of our life experiences. ...

Recognition is Like Manure

In the play, Hello Dolly, Dolly Levi says, “Money is like manure. It’s not worth a thing unless you spread it around helping young things to grow.” Substitute the word money in this quote with the word, recognition and you ...

Heartwire to Strengthen Employee Engagement

Healthcare leaders want to see consistency. After all, that is the essence of a high reliability organization. It is important to hold everyone accountable for certain service behaviors to ensure that they happen consistently. The goal is that, with repetition, ...

Is your gratitude showing?

My team and I have been on the road doing culture assessments for various health systems recently and have found some common denominators among the organizations that struggle with engagement, patient satisfaction and financial performance.Among other things, these cultures don’t ...

Want Better Employee Engagement? Measure Joy

Last week I had the pleasure of attending the National Center for Healthcare Leadership’s (NCHL) conference on human capital in Chicago. I heard a number of great speakers and walked away inspired and armed with great ideas to share. One ...

Who Are Your Stars?

Posted by Kristin Baird One of the things I love about mystery shopping is that we can point out the stars who make the most positive impressions and who are living the organization’s brand promise. People think mystery shopping focuses on problems. ...
