Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

Five Tips to Boost Listening Skills

A great patient experience is one where the patient feels that they have been heard and understood. But have you ever taken the time to actively boost listening skills for yourself or your staff? The same is true about a great ...

Six Steps to Improve Employee Engagement

Employee and patient engagement are inextricably linked. If employees are engaged, they will be motivated and driven to fulfill the mission of the organization for which they work. In healthcare, that mission is all about providing exceptional patient experiences. But the ...

Accountability Without Support: A Recipe for Disaster

When was the last time you evaluated your managers' and supervisors' workload? If you are a manager or supervisor, when was the last time you evaluated your workload? Does the level of accountability match the support? Healthcare managers are facing ...

If You See Something, Say Something

If You See Something, Say Something, by Angela Fieler In July 2010, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) launched a national campaign to train state and local law enforcement to recognize behaviors and indicators of terrorism and terrorism-related crime. They then ...

Lead is a Verb, Not an Email

Lead is a Verb, Not an Email By Angela Fieler I’ve seen an alarming leadership trend lately. I suppose it started when the pandemic required that leaders distance themselves from their teams as a matter of safety. Leadership became more of ...

Listen With Your Eyes and Ears

Even the youngest patients know when their healthcare workers truly listen to them. When my youngest daughter, Hillary was nine years old, I told her I’d be scheduling her back-to-school physical with the pediatrician. She stopped me and asked, “Will ...

Balancing Skill With Patient Experience

Many healthcare positions require a high degree of technical skill, but balancing skill with patient experience is a skill unto itself. This is especially true in direct patient care. After all, if you mess up an important technical task, you could hurt ...

How Do You Show You Care?

As a leader, how you show you care at work can make the difference between an engaged workforce or a team just going through the motions. The pandemic has changed us all. The way we used to work is gone forever, ...

Who’s Exempt from Living the Company Values?

It can be hard to take an honest look at your company values and what needs to change in your culture. Especially when doing so requires that you change your own behavior. And yet, that is exactly what happens when, ...

Coaches Are Made Not Born

We've all heard the adage, are you a manager or a leader? One connotates visions of a task delegator and a timesheet signer. The other is inspiration, motivation, and direction.  I would further this vision by asking, are you a trainer ...
