Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

Effective Communication in Healthcare – Drumbeat Messaging

Creating an ideal culture in your healthcare organization requires a deep commitment to ongoing communication. Leaders cannot expect to convey their message effectively by saying it just once. Instead, it takes a well-planned and thoughtful strategy - or drumbeat messaging ...

Fostering Engagement Through Empathy

Empathy is what puts the care into healthcare. Without it, patients become just a number, just a case, just a disease. The same goes for your staff. Without empathy, you risk your staff losing interest in their job and the ...

Stopping Disengagement Before It Starts

We know the ties between patient experience and employee engagement are clear. We also know disengagement can wreak havoc on patient experience and team morale. I hear from many leaders that feel powerless to help their staff in the face of ...

The Employee Tune-Up: Conducting a Stay Interview

In today's reality of the Great Resignation, or the Great Reshuffle as some have called it, staying connected with your employees is critical. It's easier said than done, though, with busy schedules and often-understaffed units. One essential tool I recommend for keeping employees ...

Six Steps to Improve Employee Engagement

Employee and patient engagement are inextricably linked. If employees are engaged, they will be motivated and driven to fulfill the mission of the organization for which they work. In healthcare, that mission is all about providing exceptional patient experiences. But the ...

If You See Something, Say Something

If You See Something, Say Something, by Angela Fieler In July 2010, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) launched a national campaign to train state and local law enforcement to recognize behaviors and indicators of terrorism and terrorism-related crime. They then ...

Lead is a Verb, Not an Email

Lead is a Verb, Not an Email By Angela Fieler I’ve seen an alarming leadership trend lately. I suppose it started when the pandemic required that leaders distance themselves from their teams as a matter of safety. Leadership became more of ...

How Do You Show You Care?

As a leader, how you show you care at work can make the difference between an engaged workforce or a team just going through the motions. The pandemic has changed us all. The way we used to work is gone forever, ...

You Asked For It – Now What?

It’s no secret that businesses fare better when they actively seek employee input. In a recent survey, 38% of workers admit they tend to lack initiative on the job when leaders routinely dismiss their ideas. (1) Billions of dollars are spent ...
