Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

The Power of Storytelling for Leaders

Think of the most recent presentation you made to your leadership team. Chances are it was accompanied by a PowerPoint deck which likely included several charts and graphs. They typically do. But how much of the information had an impact? How ...

Creating a Common Language: A Key to Organizational Culture Shift

One of the hallmarks of a strong organizational culture is a common language that goes beyond words to create a shared understanding and alignment of daily actions with your healthcare organization’s mission, vision, values and standards. When everyone in your organization ...

Stop Blaming Wages for Medical Staff Turnover

Medical staff turnover is rampant, but it doesn’t have to be if we start listening to our new employees BEFORE their exit interviews. I recently heard a case study from a large academic medical center about their Medical Assistants (MAs) leaving ...

What do you love about what you do?

Last week, I was at a conference, and the keynote speaker shared a simple question that really resonated with me. He said he dreaded being asked, “What do you do?” because he had a hard time describing what he does ...

Navigating the Nursing Shortage: Beyond Jobs

Nurses are the backbone of healthcare delivery and the current nursing shortage has given nurses everywhere a unique gift. Now, more than ever, nurses have the freedom to choose when, where, and how much they want to work. While the ...

Follow Through is Integrity in Action

Have you ever worked for someone who made lots of promises but never followed through? I have, and it caused frustration, distrust, and high turnover.  Leadership is more about actions than words. True leaders understand that their actions have a profound ...

The Power of One: Healthcare Customer Service

Healthcare customer service is a critical component of delivering quality patient care. Patients and their families expect to be treated with kindness, empathy, and respect. Their experiences with healthcare providers can significantly impact their overall satisfaction with the care they ...

Driving the Patient Experience: What You Permit, You Promote

Every hospital we’ve ever worked with has a series of expectations for their staff members related to the patient experience. Things like addressing patients by their preferred name or taking responsibility for trash or spills are usually on the list. Your ...

Blind Spots Can Fuel Bias in Healthcare

During a recent coach training, the participants and I had a lively discussion about how blind spots can fuel bias in healthcare. As part of their training, participants shadow hospitalists on inpatient units to assess interactions. They also give feedback ...
