Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

Creating a Common Language: A Key to Organizational Culture Shift

One of the hallmarks of a strong organizational culture is a common language that goes beyond words to create a shared understanding and alignment of daily actions with your healthcare organization’s mission, vision, values and standards. When everyone in your organization ...

Fostering Civility in an Increasingly Uncivil World

You’re in the cafeteria when a political ad comes on the television, prompting a heated discussion among a group of employees on their lunch break. A patient asks you what you think about the upcoming election and Bozo ...

Little Perks Won’t Cure a Broken Culture

It’s been decades since Peter Drucker first said, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” His words ring more true today than ever. When healthcare organizations compete for talent, salary may get candidates in the door, but it’s culture that will entice ...

It’s Not About the HCAHPS Scores!

Yesterday, I was doing physician communication training with a large group of doctors. To give context, I showed them their current patient experience scores focused on physician communication. One of the attendees raised his hand and said, “There has never been any ...

Beware the Toxic Superstar

A few months ago, I was doing leadership development in a critical access hospital. The CEO is a strong leader and fairly new to his role. He has a clear vision of where he wants to take the organization, and I honestly ...

Nurses Thrive in a Community

Over the past few weeks, I have had the pleasure of working with the nurses of BronxCare and sharing the Nurse/Patient Partnership experience. Reading through hundreds of evaluations taught me how much they value time where they can gather and ...

Are You Accepting Excuses? What You Permit, You Promote

Accepting excuses as a way of life is often a subtle, yet insidious culture killer. When we do culture assessments, we frequently unearth patterns that point to an excuse mentality that keeps an organization stuck. The insights shed light on ...

Diagnose Culture Issues to Solve Problem Behaviors

We get a lot of interesting requests for training and addressing specific culture issues at Baird Group, but a recent discussion still has me shaking my head. A large medical group contacted us for service excellence training. The person contacting ...
