Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

Dear CEO, Nurses Need Your Help

Even before COVID, nurses were stressed and burning out at higher rates than ever before. Now, they are under even greater stress for a multitude of reasons and want to be heard. Some have turned to unions.  A few weeks ago, ...

Moving on from betrayal at work

Workplace betrayal can have profound effect on both individuals and the entire culture. But how you manage it is up to you. You can be a victim which will keep you in a vulnerable state, or you can look squarely ...

Is Your Leadership Driving BMWs?

Posted by Kristin Baird Language is an important part of culture, and leaders are vital in creating a common language. The problem is that people are often unaware of the communication habits, such as BMW, that prevail. A few months ago I was spending time ...

Don’t Say That!

Posted by Kristin Baird We’re understaffed – 3 words that shake patient confidence I cannot think of one time in my career when I heard caregivers complain about being overstaffed. Being understaffed, however is a daily occurrence in hospitals and medical practices ...

Coming to you Live from an Exam Room Near You

Posted by Kristin Baird In today’s world of digital communication, consumers share everything from photos of their food to gross videos of bodily functions. Snapshots and videos from medical facilities are among the frequently posted images online. Unfortunately, the medical facility ...

Ignore Complainers at Your Own Risk

Posted by Kristin Baird  For some people, complaining is their default communication style. Often, they don’t even realize they’re a complainer because it is such an engrained habit. I worked with a woman once who looked at everything with a negative ...

Want to Change the Culture? Start with the Words You Choose

Posted by Kristin Baird Over the years there have been numerous articles about the importance of storytelling in shaping organizational culture. When I talk with healthcare leaders about storytelling, I’m often met with looks that say, “Yea, yea, tell me something ...

Being fully present boosts patient experience

Posted by Kristin Baird The importance of being present I wrote a series about a patient undergoing a long course of chemotherapy, a few years ago. This course of treatment was one chapter in a 30-year battle with chronic illness. What I ...
