Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

Are You Coachable? Take This Self-Assessment

Personal growth is a lifelong quest. I cannot think of one successful individual who says, “I’ve arrived. I’m finishedimproving.” There are always new things to learn about ourselves, our interactions, our communications, and our leadership abilities to name a few, ...

Why Are You a Leader?

Leadership can be hard. But it can also be one of the most rewarding roles of your life if it aligns with your bigger why. A few years ago, I coached a leader who taught me some very important lessons ...

A Bad Day or a Lousy Attitude?

Everyone has a bad day now and then, but there’s a cumulative effect for people who seem to have more than their fair share of bad days. At what point are the bad days an excuse for a bad attitude? ...

Want ROI From Training? – Leaders Must Do These 4 Things

When healthcare leaders set out to train staff, it's important to have a plan to get a return on investment, or ROI from Training Customer service training only sticks when the training event is seen as the beginning and not the end.  For over 25 years, I have been helping healthcare organizations ...

Nurse Coaches Improve Quality, Safety and Service

A few years ago, I started working with two hospitals to train and embed nurse coaches in inpatient units. Their goal was to provide staff with ongoing feedback on behaviors tied to quality, safety, and service. Their results have been ...

Lead Is a Verb. Take Action Now

One of my colleagues often reminds our clients that the word lead is a verb and, as we learned in grade school, verbs are action words. So what actions are most important today? Coaching rises to the top. To Lead Is ...

Rising Above a Toxic Environment

Rising Above a Toxic Environment by Angela Fieler I went to the grocery store this morning and noticed something strange. Everybody I crossed paths with was looking down at the ground and their body language screamed defeat. Ever the optimist, I tried ...

Balancing Skill With Patient Experience

Many healthcare positions require a high degree of technical skill, but balancing skill with patient experience is a skill unto itself. This is especially true in direct patient care. After all, if you mess up an important technical task, you could hurt ...

Coaches Are Made Not Born

We've all heard the adage, are you a manager or a leader? One connotates visions of a task delegator and a timesheet signer. The other is inspiration, motivation, and direction.  I would further this vision by asking, are you a trainer ...

The Best Investment Strategy May Not Be What You Think

Say the words investment strategy, and most of our minds immediately go to money and financial investments. But what if you shifted your thinking away from money to personal or professional development as an investment strategy? It’s January, so millions of ...
