Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

Ownership and Culture

In my experience, organizations can only create a consistently positive patient experience when they foster a culture of ownership. This starts when leaders help every employee to see his connection to the organization’s success. It requires a mindset that is ...

Authoritative Leaders Need Not Apply

It seems to me that the concept of accountability is getting a bad rap. I had someone tell me the other day that the reason I don’t see accountability as a bad thing is because I spent 25 years in ...

Medical Mystery Shopping Myth Busters

Posted by Kristin Baird Myth 1: Mystery shopping is used as a “gotcha!” tactic to punish staff.  Conducted appropriately, mystery shopping is a valuable method for improving quality, including identifying weaknesses and strengths and, ultimately, pointing out your organization’s star performers and best practices. ...

Don’t Assume. Validate Your Patient Experience.

Posted by Kristin Baird I recently got a call from a Chief Experience Officer (CXO) who said her CEO was in a frenzy because a board member had had a bad experience with one of their medical practices. The CXO stated their ...

That’s just Jenny – and other culture-killing excuses

Posted by Kristin Baird I see it all the time -The beautifully framed statements of “commitment to service” hanging within arm’s reach of the organization’s biggest standards contradictions. It happened just two weeks ago when I was visiting a healthcare organization that ...

Accountability Can’t Be Optional

Posted by Kristin Baird I am a firm believer in setting and upholding service standards. In fact, I first implemented service standards in 1996 and wrote about the importance of them in my book, Customer Service in Healthcare (2000, Jossey Bass). It ...

No Pass Zones Support Nurses and Patient Experience

There is no doubt that nurses carry the bulk of patient care in hospitals. And in today’s world, patients are sicker and stay for shorter periods, meaning that more must be accomplished in a shorter period of time. In addition ...

What’s in it for me? Your patients want to know.

Posted by Kristin Baird I have become a connoisseur of healthcare marketing messages over the years and am often underwhelmed.  From billboards to TV and radio ads, I can spot a useless ad campaign within five seconds or 500 feet. The ...
