Keeping the Board in the Loop on Patient Experience

Posted by Kristin Baird

Hospital boards of directors play a crucial role in setting overall strategy for the hospitals they serve. And, because hospitals are vital community resources, serving on the board makes members stewards of an important community asset. As such, keep board members or trustees apprised of patient satisfaction scores. Additionally kept up-to-date on action to continually improve the patient experience.

When working to engage the board, be sure to provide them with high level information such as the most current scores from your patient satisfaction data. They will often want to know what actions are being taken to make improvements. Again, a high level overview should suffice. Most of the time they want reassurance that someone is keeping a close eye on patient satisfaction and striving to help everyone deliver the best possible service.

Keep Them In the Loop

Board committees are a great place to bring forward patient experience initiatives. Just remember to keep it simple. There is no need to get into the weeds of operations with them. If you work in patient experience, it’s in your best interest to help the board members understand the essentials. I encourage you to share this article with your board members to give them an overview of their role and responsibility.

  1. Is Fear Sabotaging Your Patient Experience Efforts?
  2. Don’t Forget the Volunteers in the Patient Experience
  3. No News is Torture – Keep Me Informed
  4. Excuse Du Jour
  5. How are you keeping values front and center?
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