Don’t Assume – Validate

Posted by Kristin Baird

Setting standards and training for service behaviors are essential to creating and sustaining a human-centered culture.  The problem is that you can’t train and then assume everyone is living up to the expectations. Big mistake. It’s not what you EXPECT, but what you INSPECT that gets the RESPECT.  That’s why mystery shopping is so valuable. It gives a concrete method for observing and validating that an organization’s people, processes and environment are living up to the brand promise.

Use Mystery Shopping

I recommend that organizations make mystery shopping an integrated part of their quality assurance measures. It sends the message to associates that the leadership is serious about the quality of the patient experience. It says that validation is just a part of the culture and that everyone is accountable at all times.

Beware of the Hawthorne Effect. That is where people improve because they know they’re being watched. That happens when the boss walks into the department. Everyone steps up their game. But professional mystery shoppers are patients. When done well, no one will ever know that this particular patient is evaluating the experience. You’ll be able to validate whether everyone is meeting the expected standards and will also be able to discern why your satisfaction scores are what they are.

Curious? Let’s talk about the merits of professional medical mystery shopping.

  1. Quality Assurance for Patient Experience
  2. Who Are Your Stars?
  3. Quality Assurance Applies to the Patient Experience
  4. Are your Standards just a Suggestion?
  5. Living Your Brand Promise at Every Moment of Truth
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