Archive: Patient Satisfaction

It’s Not About the HCAHPS Scores!

Yesterday, I was doing physician communication training with a large group of doctors. To give context, I showed them their current patient experience scores focused on physician communication. One of the attendees raised his hand and said, “There has never been any ...

Patients’ Expectations Haven’t Changed

So much has changed in healthcare over the past three years. What hasn’t changed? Patients’ expectations. Patients still want to be seen promptly, have their concerns heard, receive accurate diagnoses, and be treated with respect, dignity, and compassion. Despite the ...

Satisfaction isn’t Loyalty

Posted by Kristin Baird Healthcare organizations have been measuring patient satisfaction and employee satisfaction for years.  Patients articulate evidence of satisfaction when, during rounds, they tell you everything is fine. Hearing the 4-letter F word (fine) tells leaders that things are ...

Patient Satisfaction Scores are a Symptom, Not a Diagnosis

Posted by Kristin Baird With more than two decades working in the patient experience arena, I’m still amazed at how many healthcare leaders are still chasing patient satisfaction scores without looking for the underlying cause. Let me compare this approach to a ...

Proud to be Average?

Posted by Kristin Baird Yesterday I was at a stoplight behind a car with bumper stickers that said, “Proud parent of an honor student.” We love to celebrate success, don’t we? You won’t see bumper stickers boasting about a student getting ...

The Secret to Service Recovery

Posted by Kristin Baird Try as we might, there are times things go wrong and we disappoint our patients and other customers. There is plenty of data out there about the importance of healthcare service recovery, yet, very few healthcare organizations ...

Quality Assurance Applies to the Patient Experience

Posted by Kristin Baird The term quality assurance or QA has been around since the start of the Industrial Revolution. Simply put – it is a process or system for monitoring products or services to ensure that they meet the standard. Patient ...

Let’s talk Patient Experience Metrics

Posted by Kristin Baird Expanding Metrics Nearly every day I have the pleasure of talking with healthcare leaders about their patient experience improvement efforts. I see a huge amount of effort going into implementing best practices, but when it comes to measuring ...
