Archive: Patient Experience

What does AIDET stand for in your organization? Check to confirm.

By Angela Fieler AIDET® is an effective communication framework Studer Group introduced to the healthcare industry about 15 years ago. Many organizations use AIDET training for patient experience consistency. I visit a lot of healthcare organizations where the leaders say AIDET® is ...

Vaccination Logistics Lessons from Chick-fil-A

For more than two decades I’ve conducted focus groups with healthcare employees to understand their beliefs and attitudes toward customer service. When I ask participants to give examples of exceptional service, you may expect to hear about Disney and Ritz ...

The COVID Family Experience – Firsthand

COVID has hit home giving me firsthand insight into the patient and family experience.  For years, hospitals and health systems have made the patient and family experience a top priority. And for the last several years, great progress has been made ...

Two Most Dangerous Words in Healthcare

Several months ago, we did a full day workshop with a team of healthcare leaders on “Creating an Engaged Workforce”. It’s always inspiring for me to be able to work with leaders at the front line. This is where real ...

Workplace Drama – Your Patients See It

Moods are contagious. If you’ve ever been dragged into someone’s drama in the workplace, you know how damaging it can be to staff morale.  One person gossiping or finding fault in others sends a ripple through the team. So it’s ...

How to Drive a Patient Away Without Even Trying

Posted by Kristin Baird I just found out that I have skin cancer, but honestly, that news isn’t as painful as trying to get a call back with my results.  Here’s how the ordeal played out. Golf has a lot of wonderful ...

Who Decides if You’re Worth the Wait? Patients.

Posted by Kristin Baird Wait time in healthcare settings matter on two important fronts. One is the wait time to get an appointment, and the other is the wait time in the waiting room. Last year, we did tens of thousands of ...
