Archive: Organization Building Blocks

Does Your Customer Experience Match Your Brand Promise?

In the competitive world of healthcare, customer service has the biggest impact on an organization’s reputation and success. Your brand is a promise. It should reflect your commitment to delivering a consistent patient experience. The big question is whether your ...

Finding Purpose in Meaningful Work

In every healthcare facility, there is a host of unsung heroes whose sole purpose is to provide care and compassion to those in need. These dedicated healthcare workers are driven by an unwavering desire for meaningful work that makes a ...

Walking the Talk: Aligning Words and Actions

In the realm of leadership, words and actions are powerful tools that, when aligned, can create a profound impact on team engagement and loyalty. It's not enough for leaders to simply articulate their intentions; they must also ensure they are ...

Shaping Workplace Culture: The Power of the Drip Method

Creating a positive workplace culture is essential but it won’t happen by sheer will. It's not enough to simply communicate the mission and vision once and expect the desired culture to manifest itself and stick. To truly shape your desired ...

Creating a Strong Company Culture in Healthcare

Company culture plays a vital role in shaping the success of any organization, regardless of the industry. In healthcare, where the stakes are high and the work is demanding, a strong company culture is critical. A healthcare organization's culture influences employee ...

The Power of One: Healthcare Customer Service

Healthcare customer service is a critical component of delivering quality patient care. Patients and their families expect to be treated with kindness, empathy, and respect. Their experiences with healthcare providers can significantly impact their overall satisfaction with the care they ...

4 Reasons to Have More Fun at Work

Did you know that having fun at work is not just a luxury but a necessity for your well-being and productivity? Working in a medical setting, you know better than anyone that the work can be challenging, stressful, and emotionally ...

Rising Above a Toxic Environment

Rising Above a Toxic Environment by Angela Fieler I went to the grocery store this morning and noticed something strange. Everybody I crossed paths with was looking down at the ground and their body language screamed defeat. Ever the optimist, I tried ...

Expectations vs Suggestions

Is your healthcare organization setting expectations for standards of care or giving suggestions?  Last week I was speaking to a large group of healthcare leaders about culture and the leader’s role in creating it. At one point, I stopped to ask ...
