Archive: Leadership

Driving the Patient Experience: What You Permit, You Promote

Every hospital we’ve ever worked with has a series of expectations for their staff members related to the patient experience. Things like addressing patients by their preferred name or taking responsibility for trash or spills are usually on the list. Your ...

Accountability: Are You the Problem?

The difference between mediocre workers and top performers is not the goals they set but rather the accountability they have for achieving their goals. I often find that lack of accountability is the one thing most likely to impede progress. ...

Leading in a VUCA World

Leading in a VUCA World Blog by Angela Fieler 2023 has arrived, and with it has come social media posts of all kinds about resolutions, plans, and priorities for the new year. I regularly check in with my coaching clients. We talk ...

Setting Goals: Making the Most of 2023

As each year ends and a new one begins, I have a few rituals. I watch the ball drop with my loved ones. I celebrate with a family gathering on New Year's Day. And, I take some time to reflect ...

The Employee Tune-Up: Conducting a Stay Interview

In today's reality of the Great Resignation, or the Great Reshuffle as some have called it, staying connected with your employees is critical. It's easier said than done, though, with busy schedules and often-understaffed units. One essential tool I recommend for keeping employees ...

Staffing Issues? How You Say Goodbye Matters

Nearly every healthcare leader is struggling with staffing issues. It can be painful when someone turns in their resignation, especially when retention is already a problem. How you say goodbye matters, so be mindful of your reaction. It can make ...

Expectations vs Suggestions

Is your healthcare organization setting expectations for standards of care or giving suggestions?  Last week I was speaking to a large group of healthcare leaders about culture and the leader’s role in creating it. At one point, I stopped to ask ...

Policies and Procedures vs Compassion

Every organization needs policies and procedures to ensure high-quality, safe care. Yet, policies can get in the way of being reasonable if we aren’t careful. When to follow, and when not to follow, policies can be difficult, especially when trying ...

Listen With Your Eyes and Ears

Even the youngest patients know when their healthcare workers truly listen to them. When my youngest daughter, Hillary was nine years old, I told her I’d be scheduling her back-to-school physical with the pediatrician. She stopped me and asked, “Will ...

Balancing Skill With Patient Experience

Many healthcare positions require a high degree of technical skill, but balancing skill with patient experience is a skill unto itself. This is especially true in direct patient care. After all, if you mess up an important technical task, you could hurt ...
