Archive: Leadership

Follow Through is Integrity in Action

Have you ever worked for someone who made lots of promises but never followed through? I have, and it caused frustration, distrust, and high turnover.  Leadership is more about actions than words. True leaders understand that their actions have a profound ...

Lifelong Learning: Building Your Leadership Skills

In today's fast-paced and constantly changing world, effective leadership skills are more critical than ever. As organizations navigate new challenges, they need strong leaders to guide teams through uncertainty and achieve success. But becoming an effective leader doesn't happen by ...

4 Reasons to Have More Fun at Work

Did you know that having fun at work is not just a luxury but a necessity for your well-being and productivity? Working in a medical setting, you know better than anyone that the work can be challenging, stressful, and emotionally ...

The Five Languages of Appreciation at Work

Successful workplaces thrive on employee engagement. Leaders can effectively motivate and engage employees, by first understanding employees' unique perspectives and preferences. What motivates one worker may fall flat for another. In their book, The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Work ...

Acknowledge and Challenge Star Employees

As a leader, it's natural to focus on employees who are struggling or need more support to improve their performance. However, it's equally important to pay attention to your star employees. These employees have consistently demonstrated their capabilities and have ...

Effective Communication in Healthcare – Drumbeat Messaging

Creating an ideal culture in your healthcare organization requires a deep commitment to ongoing communication. Leaders cannot expect to convey their message effectively by saying it just once. Instead, it takes a well-planned and thoughtful strategy - or drumbeat messaging ...

Lead the Way: Maintaining Standards as a Leader

Leadership is all about setting an example and inspiring others to follow your lead. A great leader is someone who is transparent, ethical, and accountable. When it comes to maintaining standards, a leader needs to set clear goals and objectives, ...

Fostering Engagement Through Empathy

Empathy is what puts the care into healthcare. Without it, patients become just a number, just a case, just a disease. The same goes for your staff. Without empathy, you risk your staff losing interest in their job and the ...
