Archive: Managing

Are You Dumping Toxic Waste at Work?

Have you ever had a difficult employee, who you’ve had to repeatedly coach, or counsel, because of marginal performance and toxic attitude? They may somehow manage to improve just enough to get by. Imagine that this toxic employee shows up one ...

Keeping the Board in the Loop on Patient Experience

Posted by Kristin Baird Hospital boards of directors play a crucial role in setting overall strategy for the hospitals they serve. And, because hospitals are vital community resources, serving on the board makes members stewards of an important community asset. As ...

How to Become a Soul-crushing Micromanager

Posted by Kristin Baird I’m pretty sure no one sets out to be a soul-crushing manager. In fact, most of us start with really good intentions. So with all these great intentions, how do we get there? By being a micromanager.  ...

Micromanaging Erodes Employee Trust & Culture

Posted by Kristin Baird There is nothing more deflating than working for a micromanager – someone who thinks he or she must oversee and control each and every detail of operations. The worst part is having a micromanager who has absolutely ...
