Archive: Managing

Accountability: Are You the Problem?

The difference between mediocre workers and top performers is not the goals they set but rather the accountability they have for achieving their goals. I often find that lack of accountability is the one thing most likely to impede progress. ...

Leading in a VUCA World

Leading in a VUCA World Blog by Angela Fieler 2023 has arrived, and with it has come social media posts of all kinds about resolutions, plans, and priorities for the new year. I regularly check in with my coaching clients. We talk ...

The Employee Tune-Up: Conducting a Stay Interview

In today's reality of the Great Resignation, or the Great Reshuffle as some have called it, staying connected with your employees is critical. It's easier said than done, though, with busy schedules and often-understaffed units. One essential tool I recommend for keeping employees ...

Staffing Issues? How You Say Goodbye Matters

Nearly every healthcare leader is struggling with staffing issues. It can be painful when someone turns in their resignation, especially when retention is already a problem. How you say goodbye matters, so be mindful of your reaction. It can make ...

Policies and Procedures vs Compassion

Every organization needs policies and procedures to ensure high-quality, safe care. Yet, policies can get in the way of being reasonable if we aren’t careful. When to follow, and when not to follow, policies can be difficult, especially when trying ...

Balancing Skill With Patient Experience

Many healthcare positions require a high degree of technical skill, but balancing skill with patient experience is a skill unto itself. This is especially true in direct patient care. After all, if you mess up an important technical task, you could hurt ...

Smart Hiring = Lasting Impact

In today’s talent market, smart hiring often goes out the window, and it can be tempting to hire the next applicant with a pulse. Regardless of a dwindling talent pool leaders still need a crystal-clear picture of their ideal candidate. ...

Leaders as Change Agents

Change is a constant, but the past two years have put that adage on steroids. The pace of change has been unprecedented. While change places stress on everyone, middle managers are impacted the hardest. They need to translate issues from ...

Don’t Ask if You Don’t Want to Hear

The topic of rounding is nothing new for healthcare leaders. For years we’ve talked about purposeful rounding. It's important to ask questions that focus on what is going well and what they need. But be sure you are ready to ...

Change Feels Best at Arm’s Length

There’s an old saying, “The only people who like change are wet babies.” But change is good, right? Well, it can be, but human nature is to resist change. We like what we know. We like what is familiar and ...
