Archive: Recognition

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Appreciation

We all like to feel appreciated, yet how we want to be shown appreciation varies from person to person. Some people thrive on center-stage accolades, while others respond best to a quiet, heartfelt thank you. But everyone wants to be ...

Reflections on Grit in Healthcare

Have you ever thought about the word grit? When I think about grit, I realize that it can have a negative impression as well as a positive one. I don't like the feel of grit underneath my shoes if there's ...

3 Questions to Ask Before Assuming Bad Attitude

3 Questions to Ask Before Assuming Bad Attitude   I was coaching a new manager who said she was getting really frustrated with the bad attitudes of her team. She wanted them to deliver better customer service and felt they were being ...

I’m a Better Person Because of You

There are sentinel moments that shift our lives forever. These can be tragic accidents, deaths, or other catastrophic events. They can also be births, celebrations, and surprises that fill our hearts. We are all a culmination of our life experiences. ...

Thank a Teacher

The other day I was listening to a speaker who reminded us to think back on a teacher who made a difference in our lives and reach out to thank them. This past year, as parents have had to take ...

Recognition is Like Manure

In the play, Hello Dolly, Dolly Levi says, “Money is like manure. It’s not worth a thing unless you spread it around helping young things to grow.” Substitute the word money in this quote with the word, recognition and you ...

Working Holidays

Posted by Kristin Baird Holiday time means decorations, parties, gifts and traditions for many of us. But not everyone gets to spend them with friends and family. Hospitals are a 24/7/365 operation which means a significant number of healthcare workers will be spending as much ...

Who Are Your Stars?

Posted by Kristin Baird One of the things I love about mystery shopping is that we can point out the stars who make the most positive impressions and who are living the organization’s brand promise. People think mystery shopping focuses on problems. ...

The Power of a Simple “Thank You”

Posted by Kristin Baird Last week I blogged about the importance of taking time to celebrate successes. In our busy world, we tend to move quickly from one thing to the next. Just like celebration, it’s important to take the time to ...
