Archive: Employee Relations

With Nursing Shortages, How are You Ensuring Retention?

With Nursing Shortages, How are You Ensuring Retention?   For years, healthcare leaders have been concerned about a nursing shortage, but COVID has brought the deficit to critical levels. In a recent article in the New York Times, author Andrew Jacobs sheds ...

3 Questions to Ask Before Assuming Bad Attitude

3 Questions to Ask Before Assuming Bad Attitude   I was coaching a new manager who said she was getting really frustrated with the bad attitudes of her team. She wanted them to deliver better customer service and felt they were being ...

Engage the Heart to Engage Employees

Engage the Heart to Engage Employees   The term “hardwiring” is a familiar one in the healthcare industry and typically focuses on consistent behaviors rather than employee engagement. There is merit in hardwiring behaviors for consistency, but it’s equally important to “heart ...

I’m a Better Person Because of You

There are sentinel moments that shift our lives forever. These can be tragic accidents, deaths, or other catastrophic events. They can also be births, celebrations, and surprises that fill our hearts. We are all a culmination of our life experiences. ...

Want Employee Engagement? Ask these 3 questions.

It is no secret that engaged employees deliver a better customer experience and have lower turnover. Yet, knowing this data and knowing how to improve employee engagement are two very different things. I recently had a senior leader tell me, ...

Thank a Teacher

The other day I was listening to a speaker who reminded us to think back on a teacher who made a difference in our lives and reach out to thank them. This past year, as parents have had to take ...
