Archive: Communication - Nurses

Fostering Civility in an Increasingly Uncivil World

You’re in the cafeteria when a political ad comes on the television, prompting a heated discussion among a group of employees on their lunch break. A patient asks you what you think about the upcoming election and Bozo ...

Nurse Coaches Improve Quality, Safety and Service

A few years ago, I started working with two hospitals to train and embed nurse coaches in inpatient units. Their goal was to provide staff with ongoing feedback on behaviors tied to quality, safety, and service. Their results have been ...

Gratitude: Let it stick like Velcro

Several years ago, as I was collecting stories from nurses about their work, I learned a very troubling fact. Most nurses I interviewed didn’t accept compliments from patients very well. They would hear patients' statements of gratitude but not really ...

Nurse Communication: The Backbone of Patient Experience

As long as healthcare leaders have measured patient experience, they’ve seen a strong correlation between nurse communication and the overall experience. After 25 years of conducting communication skill training for nurses, I have made a few important observations about the subject, ...

Effective Communication in Healthcare – Drumbeat Messaging

Creating an ideal culture in your healthcare organization requires a deep commitment to ongoing communication. Leaders cannot expect to convey their message effectively by saying it just once. Instead, it takes a well-planned and thoughtful strategy - or drumbeat messaging ...

Listen With Your Eyes and Ears

Even the youngest patients know when their healthcare workers truly listen to them. When my youngest daughter, Hillary was nine years old, I told her I’d be scheduling her back-to-school physical with the pediatrician. She stopped me and asked, “Will ...

Burnout Re-Ignited With One Question

While burnout runs rampant in healthcare, leaders must do everything within their power to replenish themselves and connect with their team members in a meaningful way. Frontline staff and managers alike are exhausted, making it difficult to focus on the ...

With Nursing Shortages, How are You Ensuring Retention?

With Nursing Shortages, How are You Ensuring Retention?   For years, healthcare leaders have been concerned about a nursing shortage, but COVID has brought the deficit to critical levels. In a recent article in the New York Times, author Andrew Jacobs sheds ...
