Archive: Articles - Leadership

Fostering Civility in an Increasingly Uncivil World

You’re in the cafeteria when a political ad comes on the television, prompting a heated discussion among a group of employees on their lunch break. A patient asks you what you think about the upcoming election and Bozo ...

Why Leaders Are Burned Out: They Don’t Delegate!

Healthcare leaders are busy. That doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone, especially healthcare leaders. Healthcare is an industry that has experienced significantly high levels of burnout historically. But burnout has been especially pervasive—and debilitating—since the pandemic. The NIH notes that ...

Pizza and platitudes won’t improve retention

Burnout, work-life balance, and sheer exhaustion plague healthcare today leading to higher turnover than ever before. Healthcare workers are being asked to work more hours and are often short-staffed. Staffing alone is stressful but add to that all the normal, ...

Accountability Without Support: A Recipe for Disaster

When was the last time you evaluated your managers' and supervisors' workload? If you are a manager or supervisor, when was the last time you evaluated your workload? Does the level of accountability match the support? Healthcare managers are facing ...

The Root Cause of Gossip

Just one gossip on the team can erode even the strongest organizational culture. In fact, gossip is among the top contributors to a toxic culture. Not only does it destroy trust among peers, but it decreases team and individual performance. Why ...

How Do You Show You Care?

As a leader, how you show you care at work can make the difference between an engaged workforce or a team just going through the motions. The pandemic has changed us all. The way we used to work is gone forever, ...

Coaches Are Made Not Born

We've all heard the adage, are you a manager or a leader? One connotates visions of a task delegator and a timesheet signer. The other is inspiration, motivation, and direction.  I would further this vision by asking, are you a trainer ...
