Archive: Articles - Employee Relations

3 Questions to Ask Before Assuming Bad Attitude

3 Questions to Ask Before Assuming Bad Attitude   I was coaching a new manager who said she was getting really frustrated with the bad attitudes of her team. She wanted them to deliver better customer service and felt they were being ...

Engage the Heart to Engage Employees

Engage the Heart to Engage Employees   The term “hardwiring” is a familiar one in the healthcare industry and typically focuses on consistent behaviors rather than employee engagement. There is merit in hardwiring behaviors for consistency, but it’s equally important to “heart ...

Accountability Strengthens the Culture

Accountability Strengthens the Culture   A culture of accountability doesn’t just happen. It takes persistence well after you state your expectations. Parenting would be easy if you could tell your kids once, and only once, to do something and know for certain it ...

No Bullies Allowed

No Bullies Allowed   Employee retention and patient satisfaction start with culture.  There are no quick fixes for a dysfunctional work environment, but there are some immediate and bold actions required when bullies rear their ugly heads. Not long ago, I began working ...

How to Tell When Your Healthcare Heroes are NOT Okay

Your culture determines many things, but today especially, it is a determinant of how well your organization will fare through the pandemic.   What you say and what you do always matter. When people face fatigue and become somewhat fragile, a ...

Good Read: Do You Trust Me?

Written By: Angela Fieler, MPA, CMQ/OE, Senior Consultant  Recently, I have noticed that trust, or more accurately, a lack of trust, has become a common theme in the cultural assessments Baird Group has done.  I had a conversation about leadership development ...

Lessons from the Field: Labels Can be Sticky

Written By: Angela Fieler, MPA, CMQ/OE, Senior Consultant At the approach of a new year, many people reflect on the year that is ending to capture what went well and where there might be opportunities for improvement.  I was doing just ...
