Archive: Accountability

Are Your Standards Expectations, or Merely Suggestions?

Literally all of the healthcare systems we work with have policies to protect the safety and wellbeing of patients and employees. Things like consistent hand washing when entering and leaving a patient room are non-negotiable expectations. By putting them in ...

Are You Accepting Excuses? What You Permit, You Promote

Accepting excuses as a way of life is often a subtle, yet insidious culture killer. When we do culture assessments, we frequently unearth patterns that point to an excuse mentality that keeps an organization stuck. The insights shed light on ...

Expectations vs Suggestions

Is your healthcare organization setting expectations for standards of care or giving suggestions?  Last week I was speaking to a large group of healthcare leaders about culture and the leader’s role in creating it. At one point, I stopped to ask ...

Values Start in the C-Suite

A few years ago, I was invited to meet with the executive team of a healthcare system. The team included two CEOs – one led the hospitals and the other oversaw the medical practices. While waiting in the lobby prior ...

Your Internal Monologue can Sabotage your Leadership 

Your Internal Monologue can Sabotage your Leadership    Millions of messages play in your head all day, every day without the slightest awareness. Although they may seem innocuous, these mental nudges subtly shape your beliefs and drive both your emotions and actions. ...

3 Questions to Ask Before Assuming Bad Attitude

3 Questions to Ask Before Assuming Bad Attitude   I was coaching a new manager who said she was getting really frustrated with the bad attitudes of her team. She wanted them to deliver better customer service and felt they were being ...

Accountability Strengthens the Culture

Accountability Strengthens the Culture   A culture of accountability doesn’t just happen. It takes persistence well after you state your expectations. Parenting would be easy if you could tell your kids once, and only once, to do something and know for certain it ...

No Bullies Allowed

No Bullies Allowed   Employee retention and patient satisfaction start with culture.  There are no quick fixes for a dysfunctional work environment, but there are some immediate and bold actions required when bullies rear their ugly heads. Not long ago, I began working ...

Accountability is Not Micromanaging

Accountability is Not Micromanaging   Nobody likes a micromanager, someone who hovers wanting to know every detail of what you do. But don’t confuse micromanaging with holding people accountable. The two are miles apart in how they affect the employees and culture.   Holding people ...
