Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

Reflections From the Field: Who is the King and Who is the Pawn?

Written By: Angela Fieler I recently had two "eye-opening" experiences as a customer - one as a patient, the other not - that generated eerily similar feelings and reinforced Baird Group teaching and consulting practices regarding the patient experience.My first experience ...

Detecting, and Doing Something About, Culture Disconnects

Written By: Kristin Baird, MHA, BSN, RN The patient experience is a critical, and common, area of focus for healthcare organizations these days. Healthcare providers want to provide high quality, safe care for patients. Healthcare organizations want to be able to ...

Understanding Cultural Differences…and Similarities

Written By: Janet Schulz, Senior Vice PresidentIf you believe, as we do at Baird Group, that it is vital that patients and families feel heard and are treated as partners in their care, then understanding and honoring the needs of ...

Are Your $100 Bills Going to Sacred Cows?

Written By: Kristin Baird, MHA, BSN, RN If it’s good enough for millionaires, it should be more than good enough for healthcare professionals! Whether you call it the “Power Hour,” the “Sacred 60,” or something else, as this Forbes piece points out, ...

Service Excellence: The Power of (Every) One!

  Written By: Kristin Baird, RN, BSN, MHA It’s not uncommon for me to be on site talking with healthcare leaders about culture and the challenges they have with creating and sustaining a positive patient experience culture. During these conversations, at least ...

Tinker Bell Doesn’t Work Here

Written By: Angela Fieler, MPA, CMQ/OE  It is rare that I work with an organization that, at one point or another in our engagement, doesn’t ask for some kind of training. I can usually judge a healthcare organization’s commitment to creating ...

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