Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

What About The Doctors?

Written By: Kristin Baird, RN, BSN, MHA  Healthcare organizations and their staff members—both clinical and allied health—are going through a wide range of changes these days, both internally and externally. Growing patient expectations, increasing competition, reimbursement based on quality and satisfaction ...

Reflections from the Field – What Are You Too Busy For?

Written By: Angela Fieler, MPA, CMQ/OE The Baird Group is always invited into an organization.  Potential clients initiate contact, describe their current reality, and look to us to provide solutions.  Although we bring our expertise, solutions must be co-created – after all, it’s ...

Take Time to Celebrate Success

Posted by Kristin Baird Ask anyone working in healthcare and they will tell you they are busier than ever. Whether at the front lines of patient care or in the C-suite, healthcare is changing fast, steeped in regulation, and doesn’t show ...

Patient Experience Isn’t a Program

Posted by Kristin Baird When my team and I are working with organizations, our ears prick up when we hear things like, “We had a patient experience program and it didn’t work.” Or, “We did a customer service program, but it ...

Want to Change the Culture? Start with the Words You Choose

Posted by Kristin Baird Over the years there have been numerous articles about the importance of storytelling in shaping organizational culture. When I talk with healthcare leaders about storytelling, I’m often met with looks that say, “Yea, yea, tell me something ...

Trust is the Center of the Patient Experience

Last week I conducted several workshops with nurse leaders. One of the exercises we did helped them to evaluate their own positive and negative experiences as patients. As we listened and shared stores of the best and worst examples, one ...

Squelch the Drama for a Sane Work Environment

Drama can be a sneaky culprit that invades your work life, weaving its way into the fabric of your culture. Drama isn’t always the “Oh-my-God-this-is-horrible” type. It can be more subtle but still destructive. Curbing drama in the department can start ...

Being fully present boosts patient experience

Posted by Kristin Baird The importance of being present I wrote a series about a patient undergoing a long course of chemotherapy, a few years ago. This course of treatment was one chapter in a 30-year battle with chronic illness. What I ...

What Every Healthcare Worker Needs to Hear Today

Every day I pick up industry new. I’m bombarded with stories about layoffs, budget cuts and hospital closings. These are very uncertain times in the healthcare. The uncertainty puts healthcare workers on edge. They worry about job security. This is ...

Even When No One is Looking

Posted by Kristin Baird Someone once defined integrity for me as, “Doing the right thing even when no one is watching.”  Integrity then, is a close first cousin to ownership. If your team members take ownership and believe in the organization’s mission, vision ...

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