Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

Healthcare Jargon is a Foreign Language

I recently visited Costa Rica where the native language is Spanish. Despite my high school Spanish classes and a few lessons in Babbel, I was rusty, to say the least. I got by on simple interactions like ordering food or ...

Looking for a best practice? Here’s an idea…

Looking for a best practice? Here’s an idea… Blog by Angela Fieler I have been focused on improving the patient experience for the better part of my adult life. Over the years, one thing I’ve learned is that a best practice doesn't ...

Diagnose Culture Issues to Solve Problem Behaviors

We get a lot of interesting requests for training and addressing specific culture issues at Baird Group, but a recent discussion still has me shaking my head. A large medical group contacted us for service excellence training. The person contacting ...

When Is a Number Just a Number?

The Goal-Setting Process: When Is a Number Just a Number? By Angela Fieler It’s October – the time of year when leaves start to change, people begin preparing for year-end holidays, and some organizations begin the budgeting and goal-setting process for the new year. ...

I’m Sorry – Two Short Words With a Big Impact

I once read a great quote, “An apology is the superglue of life. It can fix just about anything.” I don’t know where the quote originated but it became etched in my mind because of its simple truth. A simple ...

What do you love about what you do?

Last week, I was at a conference, and the keynote speaker shared a simple question that really resonated with me. He said he dreaded being asked, “What do you do?” because he had a hard time describing what he does ...

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