January 16th, 2020
Posted by Kristin Baird
Healthcare organizations have been measuring patient satisfaction and employee satisfaction for years. Patients articulate evidence of satisfaction when, during rounds, they tell you everything is fine. Hearing the 4-letter F word (fine) tells leaders that things are ...
January 14th, 2020
Posted by Kristin Baird
I recently got a call from a Chief Experience Officer (CXO) who said her CEO was in a frenzy because a board member had had a bad experience with one of their medical practices. The CXO stated their ...
January 12th, 2020
Written By: Angela Fieler, MPA, CMQ/OE, Senior Consultant
At the approach of a new year, many people reflect on the year that is ending to capture what went well and where there might be opportunities for improvement. I was doing just ...
January 12th, 2020
Written By: by Kristin Baird, RN, BSN, MHA
Over the past several years, CEOs have named patient experience as a top priority and, yet, many report they are not achieving the results that they would like. At the same time, Value-Based ...
January 9th, 2020
Posted by Kristin Baird
With more than two decades working in the patient experience arena, I’m still amazed at how many healthcare leaders are still chasing patient satisfaction scores without looking for the underlying cause.
Let me compare this approach to a ...
January 7th, 2020
Posted by Kristin Baird
I am no stranger to travel. In fact, with my consulting business, I easily travel 150 days per year or more. During my many sojourns, I have experienced lost reservations, flight delays that cause me to miss ...
December 17th, 2019
Posted by Kristin Baird
Years ago, I heard a healthcare leader talk about the four hospitals within every hospital. He said that there was the daytime hospital, the nighttime hospital, the weekend hospital, and the holiday hospital. He went on to ...
December 12th, 2019
Posted by Kristin Baird
Every healthcare leader wants their associates to live up to the mission, vision and values (MVV). One excellent way to make that happen consistently, is to spot people doing the right thing, and letting them know it. ...
December 10th, 2019
Posted by Kristin Baird
How does a leader get everyone to achieve optimal performance? One sure way is to make clear expectations from the beginning.
Over the past several years of coaching leaders, I’ve noticed that many coaching conversations center on setting ...
November 21st, 2019
Posted by Kristin Baird
We help organizations maneuver culture change. And the difference between the ones who succeed and those who struggle comes down to a couple of significant factors. For one thing, the most successful organizations realize that culture change ...