Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

3 Sure Signs that Employee Engagement is Slipping

Written By: Kristin Baird, RN, BSN, MHA It’s been well documented that there is a strong correlation between employee engagement and patient satisfaction. That’s why it is essential for leaders at all levels to remain vigilant about engagement. Even minor downward ...

Keeping the Board in the Loop on Patient Experience

Posted by Kristin Baird Hospital boards of directors play a crucial role in setting overall strategy for the hospitals they serve. And, because hospitals are vital community resources, serving on the board makes members stewards of an important community asset. As ...

People are Quitting Your Culture

Posted by Kristin Baird Over the years, I’ve tried to stay in touch with my college friends. Of course, it isn’t always easy when juggling nursing careers, family, and further education.  This summer I made a special point of re-connecting with two ...

Proud to be Average?

Posted by Kristin Baird Yesterday I was at a stoplight behind a car with bumper stickers that said, “Proud parent of an honor student.” We love to celebrate success, don’t we? You won’t see bumper stickers boasting about a student getting ...

Marketing and Patient Experience – Guardians of the Brand

Posted by Kristin Baird Healthcare is notorious for its silos. And, to be honest, the silos are often the result of one department or specialty not knowing, understanding, and respecting the expertise of the other. Having worked on both the clinical ...

Culture Change Today at 2:00

Posted by Kristin Baird If only a culture change could be set as an appointment on a calendar. You can plan out what the culture will be and announce when it would take place. Done. In truth, culture changes take time. Cultures ...

Bring Your Purpose to Work

Posted by Kristin Baird Mark Twain said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”  Finding your “why” is finding your purpose. I find that having a clear ...

Coaching or Training?

Posted by Kristin Baird This morning I had a discussion with one of my clients about accountability. Like many leaders, she finds that holding others accountable is one of the most difficult aspects of her work. During our conversation, she shared that ...

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