Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

Coach, Don’t Fix

At Baird Group, we define coaching as a supportive relationship that fosters learning, transformation and growth. Helping others to grow and reach their potential is one of the most rewarding aspects of leadership. But certain habits might be keeping you ...

How to Tell When Your Healthcare Heroes are NOT Okay

Your culture determines many things, but today especially, it is a determinant of how well your organization will fare through the pandemic.   What you say and what you do always matter. When people face fatigue and become somewhat fragile, a ...

Be the leader nobody wants to leave

That’s a hefty order. I recently conducted in-depth interviews with CNOs from across the country. During the interviews, the majority said that weak leadership at the department level is a major part of the problem. Most said that it stems ...

Nurses Leave Their Managers, Not Their Jobs

Turnover is costly in every profession, but in nursing it takes its toll. Not only financially, but it affects quality, safety, and service.  The 2020 NSI National Health Care Retention & RN Staffing Report, found that the average cost per ...

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