Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

I Don’t Have Time

Say these four words often enough and you’ll believe it without a doubt. Leaders who take our course, Be the Leader Nobody Wants to Leave, often tell us that they don’t have time to round, coach, or do stay interviews.  Being ...

Burnout Isn’t a Personal Defect

Burnout in healthcare was on the rise prior to COVID, now the pandemic has shined a bright light on a growing problem.  Years ago, I worked for someone who confidently declared, “Burnout is a choice.” My thought then and now is ...

3 Reasons You Need a Vision for Your Culture

“If you don't know where you want to go, then it doesn't matter which path you take.” ― Lewis Healthcare leaders, as well as travelers, can benefit from the Cheshire Cat’s wisdom shared in Alice in Wonderland. Without a clear destination ...

Talk is Cheap When it Comes to Taking Care of Staff

I just had a disheartening coaching conversation with a new leader who works in an organization that claims to take good care of their staff. This new leader, “Angie” is trying to address a severe staffing shortage in creative ways. ...

Welcome Back – Let’s Normalize the Career Break

This morning I was reading an article in Harvard Business Review about the importance of employers normalizing a career break. This makes such good sense, especially for nurses and other caregivers who are questioning a career change after a grueling ...

Recognition is Like Manure

In the play, Hello Dolly, Dolly Levi says, “Money is like manure. It’s not worth a thing unless you spread it around helping young things to grow.” Substitute the word money in this quote with the word, recognition and you ...

Toxic Cultures Impede Critical Thinking

I’ve had a series of encounters as a customer lately that shed new light on characteristics of toxic culture. They demonstrate that a toxic cultures impede critical thinking. The Home Security Company My first experience involved home security. I sat on the ...

5 Signs Your Culture is Toxic

Organizational leaders these days almost universally claim their commitment to a culture that nurtures and supports talent, innovation, engagement and loyalty. Yet many of these same leaders are, in fact, operating in environments that are more toxic than supportive. The Trouble ...

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