June 22nd, 2021
Today’s workforce has more choices than ever before about how and for whom they work. That’s why employers must think differently about recruitment and retention strategies especially in healthcare settings. Why? Because the loss of staffing continuity can have life-threatening ...
June 17th, 2021
There are sentinel moments that shift our lives forever. These can be tragic accidents, deaths, or other catastrophic events. They can also be births, celebrations, and surprises that fill our hearts. We are all a culmination of our life experiences. ...
June 15th, 2021
Actor Woody Allen said, “Just showing up is half the battle.” I know he wasn’t talking about rounding when he gave that famous line, but it sure fits. Why? Because if you just get out there, you’ve made all the ...
June 10th, 2021
There is an ongoing struggle in leadership development. Executives want high quality training for their leaders, but struggle with down time and scaling across the system. Here’s what often happens:
1. Employee engagement survey indicates weak leadership
2. Enlightened senior leaders know ...
June 8th, 2021
One of the most common issues I see when coaching leaders is leader fatigue caused by constant interruptions that prevent them from dedicated “think time” for planning and project completion. They often don’t see that their response is actually enabling ...
June 3rd, 2021
It is no secret that engaged employees deliver a better customer experience and have lower turnover. Yet, knowing this data and knowing how to improve employee engagement are two very different things. I recently had a senior leader tell me, ...
May 27th, 2021
The other day I was listening to a speaker who reminded us to think back on a teacher who made a difference in our lives and reach out to thank them. This past year, as parents have had to take ...
May 25th, 2021
Science has proven what the heart has always known. That gratitude changes lives. I personally try to begin each day with my gratitude list. It keeps me both grounded and optimistic. We all do better when we feel and express ...
May 17th, 2021
There is a phenomenon among newly-minted managers. When someone presents a problem, they often feel the need to fix it because, after all, they are now the manager. Fixing presents two problems. First, they are adding more responsibility and psychological ...
May 4th, 2021
Stories are the backbone of culture. And like culture, they must be orchestrated by design to be most impactful.
Quantitative data is essential in moving organizations toward specific goals. You must be able to measure your starting point, milestones, and the ...