Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

Culture is Evident at Every Touch Point

Culture is Evident at Every Touch Point   A few years ago, I was coaching a hospital CEO who said, “I know culture is important but honestly I hate talking about it. Culture is an ethereal term. Nobody really can really lay ...

Feedback Isn’t Positive or Negative

Feedback Isn’t Positive or Negative   Have you ever noticed that people tend to preface the word feedback with a qualifier such as positive or negative? The truth is feedback isn’t positive or negative. It’s feedback. Period. The dictionary defines feedback as: information ...

Effective Feedback is a Two-Way Street

Effective Feedback is a Two-Way Street   Over the course of my career, I’ve been on both the sending and receiving sides of feedback. I’ve come to know that continuous improvement requires that you be able to do both well.   Training, preparation, and ...

What does AIDET stand for in your organization? Check to confirm.

By Angela Fieler AIDET® is an effective communication framework Studer Group introduced to the healthcare industry about 15 years ago. Many organizations use AIDET training for patient experience consistency. I visit a lot of healthcare organizations where the leaders say AIDET® is ...

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