Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

4 Signs That You Aren’t Coachable

Coaching is a vital skill for leaders at all levels and is essential to achieving optimal performance of your team. Great coaches are made, not born. They learn and apply the skills needed to be a good coach. Sure, you ...

Vaccination Logistics Lessons from Chick-fil-A

For more than two decades I’ve conducted focus groups with healthcare employees to understand their beliefs and attitudes toward customer service. When I ask participants to give examples of exceptional service, you may expect to hear about Disney and Ritz ...

Great Intentions Don’t Deliver Results

I was speaking with a hospital CEO recently about their troubling turnover rates, when he hit on an age-old problem. He pointed out that they continue to promote good workers to management positions when they lack leadership skills and experience. ...

Are You Dumping Toxic Waste at Work?

Have you ever had a difficult employee, who you’ve had to repeatedly coach, or counsel, because of marginal performance and toxic attitude? They may somehow manage to improve just enough to get by. Imagine that this toxic employee shows up one ...

In These Scary Times, Look for the Helpers

Between the COVID surge and the rioting at the capital, there are many reasons for us to feel frightened, anxious, and sad because there is so much that is beyond our control. This is the perfect time to remember the ...

Protect Your Culture Against Negativity

The COVID vaccine has dominated the news for weeks as we celebrate frontline workers receiving the long-awaited injections, to protect them.  As a former public health nurse, I am a staunch believer in vaccines. They protect us against nasty viruses that ...

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