Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

Meetings Are Where You Waste Hours and Take Minutes

Meetings Are Where You Waste Hours And Take Minutes By: Angela Fieler Is there a leader out there who doesn’t feel pressed for time? Based on my coaching experience, I would say no. In her blog I Don’t Have Time, Kris Baird ...

Become a Champion of Change

When working with organizations on culture change, I like to lead the executive team on an exploration. We discuss times when they have been successful at implementing a major change. In addition to the successes, we discuss times when their ...

Dissatisfied Patients are Costly

A few days ago, I was talking to a friend about her recent, emergent, hospital stay. She described it as, “A nightmare.” Always the researcher, I had to dig a bit to learn more. What contributed to “Lauren’s” nightmare boiled ...

Smart Hiring = Lasting Impact

In today’s talent market, smart hiring often goes out the window, and it can be tempting to hire the next applicant with a pulse. Regardless of a dwindling talent pool leaders still need a crystal-clear picture of their ideal candidate. ...

Culture Determines if Best Practices Gain Traction

Patient experience literature is loaded with information about best practices. It’s tempting to dive right in and start implementing these tactics but without a supportive culture, even the best, best practices will fail. We see it all the time. Leaders from ...

Four Strategies to Make Training a Success

In traditional training approaches, 85 percent of the organization’s effort takes place during a single, one-and-done event. Only five percent of the effort and resources are devoted to follow-up after the “event.”  For training to stick, here's our recommended approach for ...

I’m Just Here for the Food

I’m Just Here for the Food, By Angela Fieler I was coaching an executive recently who was complaining that staff are “just not engaged.” I asked how he was defining employee engagement. At the root of his complaint was the fact that ...

Do Small Things in a Great Way

It’s no secret that small things add up quickly when it comes to the patient experience. Because high-quality and safe care is assumed by the patients and residents, it is often the small acts of kindness that stand out the most. Throughout ...

You Asked For It – Now What?

It’s no secret that businesses fare better when they actively seek employee input. In a recent survey, 38% of workers admit they tend to lack initiative on the job when leaders routinely dismiss their ideas. (1) Billions of dollars are spent ...

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