Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

Ageism in Healthcare: A Persistent Barrier to Cohesion

Whether employees, providers, or patients, it’s not okay “Members of Gen Z are lazy and entitled.” “Millennials are narcissistic and unreliable.” “Baby boomers lack technology skills and are averse to change.” These are just a few of the ageist remarks I have heard from ...

No More Excuses!

Fostering Accountability to Build an Excuse-Free Culture Nobody likes to admit they made a mistake, admit that they were wrong, or admit that their performance wasn’t quite up to par. And yet, that’s exactly what we all need to do in ...

Toxic Superstars: Addressing Culture-Eroding Behaviors

3 Steps for Building a Strong, High-Performing Culture Every organization has at least one of them—the “toxic superstar” who, despite being exceptionally talented and high contributors, exhibit bad behaviors that can include bullying, gossiping, or undermining colleagues. The kind of behaviors ...

Never Forget: They Don’t Know What You Know.

My friend “Terry” recently shared a story with me that is a great reminder that what may be a common experience for healthcare professionals can be terrifying to the patient. Terry said that her brother had an uncontrollable nose bleed. ...

The Power of Storytelling for Leaders

Think of the most recent presentation you made to your leadership team. Chances are it was accompanied by a PowerPoint deck which likely included several charts and graphs. They typically do. But how much of the information had an impact? How ...

Celebrating the Nursing Profession

“I’m just a nurse.” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that expression from fellow nurses throughout my career. I cringe every time I do. Nursing is a highly honored and honorable profession, and all nurses should be proud to ...

Welcoming New Hires

That first day on the job marks a critical touchpoint in an employee’s tenure with your organization. How they are welcomed and introduced to their new colleagues and new responsibilities sets the stage for their entire employee journey. Unfortunately, this important ...

Creating a Common Language: A Key to Organizational Culture Shift

One of the hallmarks of a strong organizational culture is a common language that goes beyond words to create a shared understanding and alignment of daily actions with your healthcare organization’s mission, vision, values and standards. When everyone in your organization ...

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