Feedback Improves Employee Engagement and Patient Experience

Posted by Kristin Baird

Having an engaged workforce and loyal patients doesn’t happen by chance. And it won’t happen with just one smile-lesson-type class. You need to foster a culture of feedback.

While training is an important element in creating a great, consistent patient experience, it is just one part of the success equation. Leaders who can give timely, meaningful feedback help employees grow and develop skills that build confidence and engagement.

When we launch new service training in an organization, we’ve seen the value of preparing the leaders to coach as part of their daily interactions.

The staff curriculum focuses on engaging the heart while building specific skills. The leader training concentrates on how to support learning with coaching.

I’m often amazed to find how few managers feel truly comfortable giving on-the-spot feedback.

It’s the main reason we do hands on practice during their training. We find that they gain confidence in practicing what to say and how to say it.

Create a culture of feedback

Your culture may not have fostered it in the past. This can create discomfort for both the person giving feedback as well as the one receiving it.

Recognize that the culture shift begins with the leader. If you are uncomfortable, you won’t do it. Here are a few ways you can get more comfortable in giving feedback.

  1. Tell your team members you will be doing more on-the-spot feedback and would appreciate their openness to it. Let them know that it is essential in making lasting improvements and holding ourselves accountable.
  2. Be clear in your own mind about what behaviors you are looking for
  3. Make a conscious effort to observe team members in action
  4. Speak up about the good and the opportunities for improvement
  5. Let the group know how it’s going
  6. Ask them to give you feedback as well


Feedback is an important step in coaching. When you give feedback you help others understand how close or far they are from demonstrating the ideal behaviors.

  1. Coaching Culture Improves Employee Engagement and Patient Experience
  2. Want to improve employee engagement? Start with, “Hello.”
  3. Want Your Feedback Heard? Leave Your “But” Out of It
  4. Want Better Employee Engagement? Measure Joy
  5. Connection to Purpose: The “secret sauce” of employee engagement
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