Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

Want ROI From Training? – Leaders Must Do These 4 Things

When healthcare leaders set out to train staff, it's important to have a plan to get a return on investment, or ROI from Training Customer service training only sticks when the training event is seen as the beginning and not the end.  For over 25 years, I have been helping healthcare organizations ...

Delight or Drudgery? How Employees View Training Matters

Many things in healthcare require skill development and reinforcement. Sometimes those things require mandatory training to ensure quality and safety. But just because it's mandatory doesn’t mean it can’t be enjoyable. When you hear the word “mandatory,” how do you react? ...

Want an ROI on Training? Measure What Matters

U.S. corporations (including healthcare) spent $94 billion on training last year. The investment is significant, but are they getting their money’s worth and seeing an ROI on training? The ones that are getting the biggest bang for their buck are ...

Stop Blaming Wages for Medical Staff Turnover

Medical staff turnover is rampant, but it doesn’t have to be if we start listening to our new employees BEFORE their exit interviews. I recently heard a case study from a large academic medical center about their Medical Assistants (MAs) leaving ...

Four Strategies to Make Training a Success

In traditional training approaches, 85 percent of the organization’s effort takes place during a single, one-and-done event. Only five percent of the effort and resources are devoted to follow-up after the “event.”  For training to stick, here's our recommended approach for ...

Training that Sticks: 4 Simple Steps to Achieving Great ROI

Training that Sticks: 4 Simple Steps to Achieving Great ROI   Leaders often tell me that their customer service training didn’t work. What they mean is that it didn’t result in improving patient satisfaction scores. This is the typical indicator used for ...

Training Alone Won’t Fix a Dysfunctional Culture

Posted by Kristin Baird It’s not uncommon for us to get requests to do organization-wide training to fix service issues. It would be easy for us to march in and do the requested training and head home. We wouldn’t do anyone ...
