Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

Holidays in the Hospital

Holidays aren’t always a happy time for everyone—especially our patients. Many people are sick, or even hospitalized during the holiday season. And, when they are, someone has to care for them. Your staff. Which can take them from their own ...

Balancing Technology and the Patient Experience

There are certain industries where technology will never entirely replace the human element and person-to-person interactions. The healthcare industry is one such example. While technology has proven to be an important aid in many ways, there is just no replacement ...

Nurse Communication: The Backbone of Patient Experience

As long as healthcare leaders have measured patient experience, they’ve seen a strong correlation between nurse communication and the overall experience. After 25 years of conducting communication skill training for nurses, I have made a few important observations about the subject, ...

Watch the Hassle-Factor in Patient Experience

Posted by Kristin Baird When people think about improving the patient experience, it’s important to pay close attention to the hassle factor. Here it is, 2019, and we have more apps and other communication tools than any time in history – ...

Patient-Centered? Look More Closely.

Posted by Kristin Baird You could say it’s false advertising, but maybe it’s that health systems suffer from a case of “We’ve-always-done-it-this-way” that keeps them from being truly patient-centered. One of the best examples of this is when clinics schedule appointments ...
