Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

Ageism in Healthcare: A Persistent Barrier to Cohesion

Whether employees, providers, or patients, it’s not okay “Members of Gen Z are lazy and entitled.” “Millennials are narcissistic and unreliable.” “Baby boomers lack technology skills and are averse to change.” These are just a few of the ageist remarks I have heard from ...

2025: A Springboard for Action

As we enter 2025, a new year, the key takeaways from a webinar I gave recently come to mind. It was all about creating a springboard for implementation that I presented to a group of participants in my Be the ...

Holidays in the Hospital

Holidays aren’t always a happy time for everyone—especially our patients. Many people are sick, or even hospitalized during the holiday season. And, when they are, someone has to care for them. Your staff. Which can take them from their own ...

Fostering Civility in an Increasingly Uncivil World

You’re in the cafeteria when a political ad comes on the television, prompting a heated discussion among a group of employees on their lunch break. A patient asks you what you think about the upcoming election and Bozo ...

Why Leaders Are Burned Out: They Don’t Delegate!

Healthcare leaders are busy. That doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone, especially healthcare leaders. Healthcare is an industry that has experienced significantly high levels of burnout historically. But burnout has been especially pervasive—and debilitating—since the pandemic. The NIH notes that ...

I’m Just Here for the Food

I’m Just Here for the Food, By Angela Fieler I was coaching an executive recently who was complaining that staff are “just not engaged.” I asked how he was defining employee engagement. At the root of his complaint was the fact that ...
