Archive: Patient Experience

A Tale of Two Experiences

Posted by Angela Fieler You know how the story starts: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” How many people do or could use this opener to describe a recent healthcare experience? I had a ring-side ...

Your Patients Don’t Care How Special You Are

Healthcare suffers from terminal uniqueness. It’s a condition where you constantly explain why your situation is different from everyone else’s in healthcare. This helps you to ascribe to excuses for why your patient experience scores are lousy. A few of ...

With Patient Experience – Everything Speaks

It’s often difficult to comprehend everything that factors into the patient experience. The simplest way to summarize it is with people, processes and place. When looking at the people element, it’s not just the direct interactions patients have with employees but ...

The Present is the Prize

We often hear people say, “Keep your eye on the prize,” in reference to goals. In patient experience terms, that “prize” often refers to the patient satisfaction scores. The problem with this line of thought is that it places the score ...

That’s just Jenny – and other culture-killing excuses

Posted by Kristin Baird I see it all the time -The beautifully framed statements of “commitment to service” hanging within arm’s reach of the organization’s biggest standards contradictions. It happened just two weeks ago when I was visiting a healthcare organization that ...

Quality Assurance Applies to the Patient Experience

Posted by Kristin Baird The term quality assurance or QA has been around since the start of the Industrial Revolution. Simply put – it is a process or system for monitoring products or services to ensure that they meet the standard. Patient ...

In Search of WOW

Posted by Kristin Baird The lobby was breathtaking with a beautiful water feature and sculptures in bronze and blown glass. The registration staff was friendly and efficient in professional and tasteful uniforms. The entire building was as beautiful as any 5-star ...

Let’s talk Patient Experience Metrics

Posted by Kristin Baird Expanding Metrics Nearly every day I have the pleasure of talking with healthcare leaders about their patient experience improvement efforts. I see a huge amount of effort going into implementing best practices, but when it comes to measuring ...

Challenge the status quo for a better patient experience!

Anyone who is a truly passionate patient experience advocate must challenge the status quo about anything and everything that doesn’t serve the patient. If you don’t speak up, you are part of the problem. Over the past several months I’ve undergone ...

3 Pitfalls to Service Recovery

Posted by Kristin Baird Service recovery is an essential in improving the patient experience. When people think of service recovery, it’s common to immediately recall the most difficult situations. For example, the caller who yelled profanities about his bill, the family ...
