Archive: Patient Experience

Nurse Communication: The Backbone of Patient Experience

As long as healthcare leaders have measured patient experience, they’ve seen a strong correlation between nurse communication and the overall experience. After 25 years of conducting communication skill training for nurses, I have made a few important observations about the subject, ...

Nurses Thrive in a Community

Over the past few weeks, I have had the pleasure of working with the nurses of BronxCare and sharing the Nurse/Patient Partnership experience. Reading through hundreds of evaluations taught me how much they value time where they can gather and ...

Looking for a best practice? Here’s an idea…

Looking for a best practice? Here’s an idea… Blog by Angela Fieler I have been focused on improving the patient experience for the better part of my adult life. Over the years, one thing I’ve learned is that a best practice doesn't ...

I’m Sorry – Two Short Words With a Big Impact

I once read a great quote, “An apology is the superglue of life. It can fix just about anything.” I don’t know where the quote originated but it became etched in my mind because of its simple truth. A simple ...

Does Your Customer Experience Match Your Brand Promise?

In the competitive world of healthcare, customer service has the biggest impact on an organization’s reputation and success. Your brand is a promise. It should reflect your commitment to delivering a consistent patient experience. The big question is whether your ...

The Art of Feedback

In an increasingly competitive healthcare landscape, customer service remains pivotal in defining a facility's success. Often, it's the little things that make all the difference – the seemingly insignificant gestures, the empathetic responses, and the willingness to listen and receive ...

One Question Improves Your Patient Experience

Last week, I joined my daughter on a business trip to take care of her three children while she conducted a two-day workshop in Atlanta. What I didn't realize when we departed, is that the trip would turn into a ...

Take Immediate Action in Service Recovery

In healthcare, exceptional customer service is a top priority. However, even the most well-intentioned organizations may stumble and deliver a subpar patient experience. The true measure of a company's commitment to customer satisfaction lies in its ability to recover from ...

The Power of One: Healthcare Customer Service

Healthcare customer service is a critical component of delivering quality patient care. Patients and their families expect to be treated with kindness, empathy, and respect. Their experiences with healthcare providers can significantly impact their overall satisfaction with the care they ...
