Archive: Culture

If You See Something, Say Something

If You See Something, Say Something, by Angela Fieler In July 2010, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) launched a national campaign to train state and local law enforcement to recognize behaviors and indicators of terrorism and terrorism-related crime. They then ...

Gossip Feeds a Toxic Culture

Gossip, when left unchecked, is among the top contributors to a toxic culture. Gossip erodes trust and psychological safety of both the individual and the team. And it can diminish the performance of both. So, what can you do to keep gossip ...

Who’s Exempt from Living the Company Values?

It can be hard to take an honest look at your company values and what needs to change in your culture. Especially when doing so requires that you change your own behavior. And yet, that is exactly what happens when, ...

Become a Champion of Change

When working with organizations on culture change, I like to lead the executive team on an exploration. We discuss times when they have been successful at implementing a major change. In addition to the successes, we discuss times when their ...

Culture Determines if Best Practices Gain Traction

Patient experience literature is loaded with information about best practices. It’s tempting to dive right in and start implementing these tactics but without a supportive culture, even the best, best practices will fail. We see it all the time. Leaders from ...

Do Small Things in a Great Way

It’s no secret that small things add up quickly when it comes to the patient experience. Because high-quality and safe care is assumed by the patients and residents, it is often the small acts of kindness that stand out the most. Throughout ...

Are Your Organizational Values Off the Wall?

It seems everybody wants a magic wand to fix culture and live the organizational values. Immediately. The reality is that your culture wasn’t shaped in a week, nor will it be shifted quickly. One of the surest ways to create ...

Values Start in the C-Suite

A few years ago, I was invited to meet with the executive team of a healthcare system. The team included two CEOs – one led the hospitals and the other oversaw the medical practices. While waiting in the lobby prior ...

One Bad Apple Will Spoil the Bunch

When it comes to building and sustaining a cohesive team, hiring for fit is key. One problem individual can unravel the fabric of the entire group. I don’t know a single experienced leader who hasn’t made a hiring mistake at some ...
