Archive: Healthcare Leadership

Are You Coachable? Take This Self-Assessment

Personal growth is a lifelong quest. I cannot think of one successful individual who says, “I’ve arrived. I’m finishedimproving.” There are always new things to learn about ourselves, our interactions, our communications, and our leadership abilities to name a few, ...

Every Generation of Workers Needs This From Their Leaders

Today’s workforce is comprised of five generations, all with their own set of unique attributes and needs. Despite their differences, there are some important common denominators for leaders to consider.  Because they are all human beings, they are much more likely to follow ...

Nurse Coaches Improve Quality, Safety and Service

A few years ago, I started working with two hospitals to train and embed nurse coaches in inpatient units. Their goal was to provide staff with ongoing feedback on behaviors tied to quality, safety, and service. Their results have been ...

Stop Blaming Wages for Medical Staff Turnover

Medical staff turnover is rampant, but it doesn’t have to be if we start listening to our new employees BEFORE their exit interviews. I recently heard a case study from a large academic medical center about their Medical Assistants (MAs) leaving ...

Organized, Not Over-Scheduled

Coaching a healthcare leader provides a great opportunity to review best practices, including rounding on employees. Over the past 25 years, I have heard every excuse in the book for why rounding isn’t done regularly, but the most common reason ...

The Tip of the Iceberg: The Hidden World of Nursing

Nursing, often referred to as a noble profession, is widely recognized for its dedication to caring for patients and improving their well-being. From providing essential medical care to offering emotional support, nurses play a critical role in healthcare systems worldwide. ...

Flexible Scheduling for Nurses or Lip Service?

As healthcare struggles with staffing shortages, I’m continually baffled by the lack of flexible scheduling for nurses. This past week I spoke with a young nurse who told me she wants to continue working at the bedside but cannot work ...

Driving the Patient Experience: What You Permit, You Promote

Every hospital we’ve ever worked with has a series of expectations for their staff members related to the patient experience. Things like addressing patients by their preferred name or taking responsibility for trash or spills are usually on the list. Your ...

Five Tips to Boost Listening Skills

A great patient experience is one where the patient feels that they have been heard and understood. But have you ever taken the time to actively boost listening skills for yourself or your staff? The same is true about a great ...
