Archive: Healthcare Leadership

No More Excuses!

Fostering Accountability to Build an Excuse-Free Culture Nobody likes to admit they made a mistake, admit that they were wrong, or admit that their performance wasn’t quite up to par. And yet, that’s exactly what we all need to do in ...

Toxic Superstars: Addressing Culture-Eroding Behaviors

3 Steps for Building a Strong, High-Performing Culture Every organization has at least one of them—the “toxic superstar” who, despite being exceptionally talented and high contributors, exhibit bad behaviors that can include bullying, gossiping, or undermining colleagues. The kind of behaviors ...

The Power of Storytelling for Leaders

Think of the most recent presentation you made to your leadership team. Chances are it was accompanied by a PowerPoint deck which likely included several charts and graphs. They typically do. But how much of the information had an impact? How ...

Celebrating the Nursing Profession

“I’m just a nurse.” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that expression from fellow nurses throughout my career. I cringe every time I do. Nursing is a highly honored and honorable profession, and all nurses should be proud to ...

Creating a Common Language: A Key to Organizational Culture Shift

One of the hallmarks of a strong organizational culture is a common language that goes beyond words to create a shared understanding and alignment of daily actions with your healthcare organization’s mission, vision, values and standards. When everyone in your organization ...

Holidays in the Hospital

Holidays aren’t always a happy time for everyone—especially our patients. Many people are sick, or even hospitalized during the holiday season. And, when they are, someone has to care for them. Your staff. Which can take them from their own ...

Aligning Marketing With Operational Realities

We talk often about the importance of organizational values and espoused culture matching employees’ reality. Saying you’re committed to supporting employees and providing a healthy work-life balance isn’t the same as actually demonstrating that those values are real. The same kind of disconnect can, ...

Why Leaders Are Burned Out: They Don’t Delegate!

Healthcare leaders are busy. That doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone, especially healthcare leaders. Healthcare is an industry that has experienced significantly high levels of burnout historically. But burnout has been especially pervasive—and debilitating—since the pandemic. The NIH notes that ...
