Archive: Communication - Patient

Never Forget: They Don’t Know What You Know.

My friend “Terry” recently shared a story with me that is a great reminder that what may be a common experience for healthcare professionals can be terrifying to the patient. Terry said that her brother had an uncontrollable nose bleed. ...

Fostering Civility in an Increasingly Uncivil World

You’re in the cafeteria when a political ad comes on the television, prompting a heated discussion among a group of employees on their lunch break. A patient asks you what you think about the upcoming election and Bozo ...

Unique – But Not Really

I recently heard a fascinating statistic. According to research from NRC Health, when people feel they are treated as unique, they are 312% more likely to rate your organization as excellent. The question then is, how do we make every patient feel ...

Survival of the Loudest: An All Too Common Patient Experience

I heard an incredible story last week about a father’s journey through his daughter’s childhood cancer. One thing the father said struck me to the core. He said, “Technology didn’t save my child’s life, communication did.” He went on to share his personal patient experience. His concerns were diminished and his inquiries were delayed until he ...

Healthcare Jargon is a Foreign Language

I recently visited Costa Rica where the native language is Spanish. Despite my high school Spanish classes and a few lessons in Babbel, I was rusty, to say the least. I got by on simple interactions like ordering food or ...

Effective Communication in Healthcare – Drumbeat Messaging

Creating an ideal culture in your healthcare organization requires a deep commitment to ongoing communication. Leaders cannot expect to convey their message effectively by saying it just once. Instead, it takes a well-planned and thoughtful strategy - or drumbeat messaging ...

Listen With Your Eyes and Ears

Even the youngest patients know when their healthcare workers truly listen to them. When my youngest daughter, Hillary was nine years old, I told her I’d be scheduling her back-to-school physical with the pediatrician. She stopped me and asked, “Will ...

Blind Spots Can Fuel Bias in Healthcare

During a recent coach training, the participants and I had a lively discussion about how blind spots can fuel bias in healthcare. As part of their training, participants shadow hospitalists on inpatient units to assess interactions. They also give feedback ...
