Archive: Communication - Nurses

Dear CEO, Nurses Need Your Help

Even before COVID, nurses were stressed and burning out at higher rates than ever before. Now, they are under even greater stress for a multitude of reasons and want to be heard. Some have turned to unions.  A few weeks ago, ...

Find Joy Today and Take it With You

Posted by Kristin Baird When you ask most people in healthcare why they chose their careers, they will tell you that they wanted to help others. That internal drive to serve others can get buried in the daily grind, especially for ...

Nurse Communication and Ratings of Care

Posted by Angela Fieler The data is in.  It’s official.  There is a relationship between improving employee engagement, improving HCAHPS scores, and improving net profit margins.  Press Ganey just published a study in Harvard Business Review, showing hospitals that improve over time in ...

Why Your Patient Experience Depends on Nursing Resilience

Posted by Kristin Baird It’s no secret that an engaged workforce is necessary for a consistently positive patient experience. And nurses are pivotal in this equation. Nurses who develop resilience can prevent burnout. This allows them to engage with patients on ...

Your Nurses Don’t Want to Hear About HCAHPS

Posted by Kristin Baird A colleague recently called to talk about how he could get nurses more engaged in the patient experience. When I asked what he was currently doing, he mentioned several ways he was keeping them apprised of the ...
