Archive: Articles - Tools You Can Use

PXPs – Staying the Course When Things Get Tough

Written By: Kristin Baird, MHA, BSN, RN Over the past few years, there’s been a new role emerging in healthcare—the Patient Experience Professional, or PXP. It’s an important, but not an easy, role. Face it. There is a wide range of ...

Building Habits that Make a Difference

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” That’s a quote from Aristotle, a Greek philosopher who lived from 384 – 322 BC, but it is as relevant today as it was thousands of ...

All about Intercept Interviews

1. Define Your ObjectiveIdentify one or two service issues you would like to learn more about. Priority areas can be related to feedback you received from surveys as well as complaints or comments that you received personally. Survey data or comments ...

10 Tips for Giving and Receiving Feedback Effectively

Last month we talked about “on-the-spot” coaching and the importance of connecting with employees in real-time to give them feedback. This month I want to get more specific about how to give—and receive—effective feedback. Multiple studies have shown, and I’m sure ...

3 Connections That Spread the Cure for UVT

1. Share a Common FoundationWhen you hear employees (or yourself) begin to use UVT language, such as “They won’t let me do this,” or “They cut our funding for that,” it’s time to step back and figure out what you ...

2 Tactics for Making Your Promise Visible

1. Promise to Your StaffYou expect your frontline employees to embody your mission in every encounter, but do they know just how to accomplish that? More importantly, do they truly believe that the organization stands behind the mission? If you ...
