Archive: Articles - Tools You Can Use

Four Strategies to Make Training a Success

In traditional training approaches, 85 percent of the organization’s effort takes place during a single, one-and-done event. Only five percent of the effort and resources are devoted to follow-up after the “event.”  For training to stick, here's our recommended approach for ...

Give Yourself the Gift of Self-Awareness

Give Yourself the Gift of Self-Awareness by Angela Fieler As a certified executive coach, asking great questions is my “bread and butter.” My goal is to be a thought partner, or as a recent client said, “you push my brain to places ...

Turn the Tide on Turnover

Turnover and the great resignation are all over the headlines these days. According to McKinsey, we’re amid a “turnover tsunami” affecting workers at all career levels and wage rates.  One of the biggest reasons for the high resignation rate is the ...

From Burnout to Recovery: Re-Engaging Exhausted Staff

Burnout isn’t a new phenomenon in healthcare, but in the last 20 months, the issue has been brought to the forefront. It’s so prevalent the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) has classified it as an occupational phenomenon.  Burn-out is defined in ...

Training that Sticks: 4 Simple Steps to Achieving Great ROI

Training that Sticks: 4 Simple Steps to Achieving Great ROI   Leaders often tell me that their customer service training didn’t work. What they mean is that it didn’t result in improving patient satisfaction scores. This is the typical indicator used for ...

3 Reasons You Need a Vision for Your Culture

“If you don't know where you want to go, then it doesn't matter which path you take.” ― Lewis Healthcare leaders, as well as travelers, can benefit from the Cheshire Cat’s wisdom shared in Alice in Wonderland. Without a clear destination ...

Heartwire to Strengthen Employee Engagement

Healthcare leaders want to see consistency. After all, that is the essence of a high reliability organization. It is important to hold everyone accountable for certain service behaviors to ensure that they happen consistently. The goal is that, with repetition, ...
