Archive: Articles - Service Excellence

Intentional Culture

“If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there,” is an often-repeated quote from Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. Paraphrased, it simply means that without goals and a plan, you could end up wandering aimlessly. It ...

Are Disengaged Employees Sucking the Life Out of You?

According to 2013 research by AonHewitt, while employee engagement levels are beginning to show some slight signs of improvement globally, only 4 out of 10 employees report that they are engaged—40 percent are “passive or actively disengaged,” a number that has ...

Planning without Execution Is Just Wasted Effort

You’ve likely heard this statement before: “When you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail.” The reason aphorisms like this stay around and resonate is because it’s true! When you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. Here’s an example. ...

Is Your Management Style Killing the Service Spirit?

It can take months, even years, to establish a solid culture of service excellence yet only one unfortunate misstep to destroy the results of all that hard work. Unfortunately, too often healthcare leaders are inadvertently hampering their own efforts to ...

Trust is a Fragile Thing

Recently, I intercepted what could have been a travel disaster for me as I saw an airline attendant about to put the wrong shipping tag on my luggage. Fortunately, I was able to alert the attendant and make sure the ...

10 Tips for Training Staff on Service Recovery

The key to successful service recovery lies in creating an environment where employees feel prepared and empowered to handle whatever comes their way. Only when employees feel prepared and empowered will they be able to view a complaint as a ...

Service Recovery: 5 steps for making things right

We’ve all had bad customer service experiences at hotels, restaurants, airports, and, yes, even healthcare organizations. But the real test of service excellence comes when a bad experience is swiftly and honestly addressed and turned around. When a customer complains, you ...

To Cure Sometimes, Relieve Often and Care Always

Ambroise Paré is credited with these words and while Paré, the uneducated son of a country artisan who became a great surgeon, said them in the 16th century, they still resonate today. In fact, a Google search of the phrase ...
