Archive: Articles - Service Excellence

The Power of Storytelling for Leaders

Think of the most recent presentation you made to your leadership team. Chances are it was accompanied by a PowerPoint deck which likely included several charts and graphs. They typically do. But how much of the information had an impact? How ...

Are Your Standards Expectations, or Merely Suggestions?

Literally all of the healthcare systems we work with have policies to protect the safety and wellbeing of patients and employees. Things like consistent hand washing when entering and leaving a patient room are non-negotiable expectations. By putting them in ...

Quell the Big Quit by Connecting to Purpose

Connecting to purpose can make all the difference in engagement and job satisfaction. To counteract the Great Resignation or the “Big Quit” plaguing the country, we must look closely at the way we do work. This includes how we help ...

Service Recovery from the Top Down

No one enjoys confrontation with angry customers, especially if you don’t feel prepared to address their needs. Many healthcare organizations we work with have a desire to do service recovery but have a glaring lack of skills and direction at the ...

Culture by Design: Three Steps to Make it Happen

Culture by Design: Three Steps to Make it Happen The phrase “culture is king” is thrown around quite a bit in business circles and yet, if you talk to healthcare leaders, you’ll find that there aren’t many who feel that their ...

Training that Sticks: 4 Simple Steps to Achieving Great ROI

Training that Sticks: 4 Simple Steps to Achieving Great ROI   Leaders often tell me that their customer service training didn’t work. What they mean is that it didn’t result in improving patient satisfaction scores. This is the typical indicator used for ...
