Archive: Articles - Patient Experience

Are Your Phone Encounters Helping or Hurting Your Reputation?

What role does the telephone play in your organization’s ability to live the mission and build its brand? Well, despite the proliferation of new telecommunication technology, the truth is the telephone remains the most important tool to connect with your ...

The Patient Experience Goes Hollywood….

What would your patients say about their experience at your organization? The Baird Group is always striving to help organizations understand the patient experience in ways that will engage the heart. So, in the middle of June, MedStar Health engaged ...

Gossip and Grudges and Gripes–Oh my!

Face it. Dig beneath any organizational issue and you’re likely to find communication problems. Organizations are, after all, comprised of people and dependent upon good relationships among those people to effectively perform the work of the organization. This is particularly true ...

A Quality Experience: Tracing the moments of truth

From your patients’ perspective, quality healthcare is demonstrated in countless moments of truth throughout their interactions with your organization. All of those interactions add up to the big quality picture. Take a walk through your organization with this checklist to ...
